
Check back soon for new entries...I am less the half way through the box!


Don't be a stranger

mmm...now this is a good one! I love lime, chili powder and BUTTER on my corn!

Mom, when did you make Smooth Rice?

This one is most defiantly my Mom's (Laura) handwriting.
Classic polish envelope-as-a-notepad, very recyclable/green before it was trendy.
Although I don't ever remember eating anything called Smooth Rice?
Do you remember this Mom?
What kind of soup?

Household Tips From 1984

Not just recipes!

(please note you can click and zoom in on all post pictures to see them better)

Do not overlook the third question and answer "Occasionally I come down in the morning to find a half-full can (or cans) of beer in the sink. Have you any suggestion on what to do with stale beer?"
Could this have been a question written to Ms. Matthews (the column author) from my Grandmother...hmmm B.E. initials...Best Ever, Beer (is) Excellent, Better Empty....nahhhh couldn't be her, we all know that my beer drinking Grandma was much too frugal of a Pollock to waist beer like that, the slugs will have to find something else to drown their sorrows! :)


New delightful DIET dish...Shrimp & Pickle Curry!

Yikes! March 6, 1986. At 250 calories a serving this is sure to please OMG!

Spectacular...now there is an UNDER used word!

Potato Salad Cake and More...

Rice Crispy Treats. I love the box label torn off! Do they still have  Snap, Crackle & Pop on the boxes?

(Front of the card) 

(back of the card)

From the kitchen of "Streamwood" Ilene :)

An entry from an unknown person, looks yummy though! I love carrot cake!

Some of my favorite things are these very old newspaper clippings. I wish there was a date on every clipping! 

Not only is pretzel salad a hot bite, but in the spring of 1987 "The word this spring is feminine" {giggle giggle}

"Fathers Favorite" (front) these must be pretty old because the paper is so thin!

One of my favorite little goodies in the box, mostly because of the paper it is written on.  I don't know who wrote it, it is not Grams, but I bet it was a tablet of paper sitting at her kitchen table! 

Sunday September 7, 1969

front and back of an old envelope. I love the fact that Gram didn't feel the need to transfer recipes to index cards, whatever she wrote it on is where it stayed, folded and tucked away in the little box. Do you think she would have ever guess that I would be going through these and unfolding each one carefully, reading them having a giggle and loving that it makes me feel close to her. 

The 1950's staple party dish of America!

May 21, 1961
Now this I would actually LOVE to see recreated. To my knowledge she never actually attempted this, but OMG do I love it! :)

Not just recipes in here.
I couldn't find a date on here, but here is the front and below the back.



Well now this is interesting... Jeff and I always have egg debates! He thinks that you have to eat them that week or they are to be thrown out...I disagree obviously....even when he checks the date and they are well within their expiration time...
So this tip is more for my hubby then anyone!!!